Thursday, August 26, 2010

I don't get it.

MY little girl.
we've been tgt happily from the starts to now, i shouldn't have been treated this way. i feel very sad for myself as i really put in much effort for you. i still rmb when we 1st day tgt, we walk around the field near 211, holding hands tgt chatting happily.. but now? i found out the reality, my heart just skip a beat. maybe im not the real nice guy you're holding on to. you told me im a guy that is very comfortable to be with. promised me whatever shits on your "sincerity" letter that you're wrote for me. was rubbish. every day you've been missing other guy. but aren't me. fuck? what the fucking fuck is this? didn't wanna celebrate 1st month anniversary with me, and yet? going out? dont feel like celebrating it with me? its okay, fuck it. have u ever tryed putting yourself into my shoe and think anot? example you love darren, he treated u liks this, how will u feel?

even how much i tryed to explain, you still dont get it in the end and will show attitude towards. i really dont know how to settle u down and make u understand. maybe you'll still young to understand, but as days pass by, i'll ensure you'll get it.
You're the one that i first look into your eyes, i begin to see butterflies. but out lips passionately didnt meet. You're the one that always on my mind, your face is all it can find and i think about you every day and know it'll work somehow, some way. some say im dumb and foolish, some say i should do as i wish. but all my heart could do is tell you that i'll ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

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